About Kiln

Hi 👋, I'm Steve, the creator of Kiln.

I've spent more than a decade building ML products. Most recently I was at Apple where I led some projects you're probably familiar with if you're an iPhone user, like the iOS 16 Photos Lockscreen, the iOS 15 Photos Memories update, and the iOS 14 Photos Widget. Before that I built ML products at my own startup Shoebox and Microsoft.

The idea behind Kiln is simple: we don't have the right tools for building AI products yet. Software teams spent decades building and refining tools like Git, Github, bug-trackers, unit test frameworks, etc, etc, etc. What we have in the AI world isn't even close to what we need. Kiln is my first step toward fixing that.

Kiln is part of Chesterfield Laboratories Inc, my one man company.

Made in Toronto 🇨🇦.